Monday, February 9, 2009

Family Fun...even if I'm not ready.

So, the lessons have begun in earnest. We have progressed to work on my swing and Jeff sends me home after each lesson with "homework" - specific things to practise - such as learning to keep my arms close to my body, turning from the hip, shifting my weight and other valuable tools.

I also bought golf books by everyone from Tiger to David Leadbetter however you cannot learn golf through osmosis. (I do however have a better understanding of all those strange golf terms. For example, do you know what "waggle" is? It's the little movement most golfers make before swinging - typically unique to each golfer.)

My ablity or lack thereof was put to the test when some of my cousins, pictured above, flew in for a convention and decided that they wanted to play golf - with me! All three have been playing for years. The beautiful and tough course at the Rancho Bernardo Inn was chosen for our outing and my family took pity on me - they didn't keep track of my score. Probably because no one can count that high. Score or not, it was a glorious day and we had a ball - well many balls if you count all the ones I lost.


  1. As long as you are having a good time, right? ;) Great start to your blog, Joan. Stick with it, and golf - they are both something you can carry with you for many years!

  2. Give yourself a pat on the back for going for it. So many people talk about taking up something new and never get past the few Google searches. Keep writing and sharing your progress.

  3. You know, A. Milne once wrote:

    The reason why Golf is so popular is simply because it is the best game in the world at which to be bad.

    Keep your head up and be terrible with the rest of us!
