We were assigned our carts and given box lunches and were told we would be escorted to our respective tees very shortly. So, I thought that would be the right time to make a trip to the ladies room. Remember I mentioned that "cute" golf outfit that I had chosen? Well the zipper on my brand new skirt got stuck. It would not go up or down. I was trapped in the skirt and had play 18 holes of golf. And, since I was playing with 3 complete strangers who were men, I couldn't even tell them of my dilemma.
This was my first ever tournament so I had no idea what to expect. Things started off well and my three fellow golfers were very nice to this novice. I was hitting the ball okay - not as far as I would have liked but at least it was straight. We progressed through the holes and I politely refused any opportunity for a "pit stop." At the 14th hole I teed up and whacked the ball with my driver. My teammates started hollering! I was afraid that I had done something wrong or, worse yet, hit someone as they continued to jump around and hoot and holler. It seems there is something in a golf tournament called a "long drive" and, being a lady I was eligible for the "ladies long drive." My teammates had seen my drive go past the post which had marked the previous long drive. They graciously staked out my drive and added my name to the list while informing me that the drive was 227. While I was thrilled with this number I was sure that my joy would be short-lived because there were much better lady golfers still playing.
The afternoon passed rather quickly and soon we were finished all 18 holes. Fortunately, I had brought a change of clothes for the awards dinner so I could finally get out of my skirt and...well you know.
I was greeted by friends and neighbors with "high fives" because it seemed my drive had prevailed. As beginner's luck would have it, my long drive prevailed and I did win! The prize wasn't much but as they say in sports "the thrill of victory" more than made up for material offerings. Plus, I was hooked. One good (okay, pretty great) shot decreed that my golf life will continue.
By the way...the picture is: Ladies Long Drive Winner (me!) and friends.
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